
Dave Spooner appointed Director of USi

GLI is pleased to announce that Dave Spooner has been appointed as Director of Union Solidarity International (USi) in a part-time capacity.

He will continue to be a co-Director of GLI. Dave will take over from Andrew Brady, who has been instrumental in steering USi to become a leading news provider and grassroots international organisation for union solidarity using social media, and generating union support throughout the world. Andrew is stepping down from USi to take up vital work for Unite the Union in the UK.

Dave’s appointment marks the beginning of a new and exciting phase of growing cooperation between GLI and USi. As many will know, USi has been instrumental in transforming GLI’s annual international summer school into a major live-streamed social media event.

We now look forward to working together more closely, combining skills and experience in campaigning, communications, education, research and project management to advance international trade union organisation and solidarity.

ISS14 Latest

International Summer School 2014: online archive now available!


#ISS14: one of the most inspiring events in the international trade union calendar!

This year’s hugely successful GLI International Summer School took place from Monday 7th – Friday 11th July. The School saw over 80 labour movement delegates from 28 countries descend upon Northern College in Barnsley, UK for an inspiring week of debate, discussion and education on the situation of the international labour movement and its politics in the 21st century.

You can now access a permanent online archive of videos, articles, presentations, suggested reading lists and photos from the Summer School on the International Summer School 2014 webpage, as well as on the USi website.

This archived content is aimed at providing an educational resource for trade union activists across the world. We hope it will provide a platfrom for the inspiring and challenging debates and discussions of #ISS14 to continue.

We would like to thank the participants and speakers of #ISS14, as well as the brilliant staff at Northern College, for making this year’s Summer School the best to date. We would also like to thank our funders, in particular the Berger Marks Foundation, for making the Summer School possible.


International Summer School 2014 Begins – Welcome!

Today marks the start of the third Global Labour Institute International Summer School at Northern College in Barnsley.

Over 80 labour movement delegates from 28 countries have descended on Barnsley for an inspiring week of debate, discussion and education on the situation of the international labour movement and its politics in the 21st century.

Workers in 2014 face enormous challenges, from austerity to ecological destruction and political turmoil. #ISS14 hopes to provide a platform for debate as to how to deal with these global crises and to inspire a new generation of global union activists.

The International Summer School this year comes at a time as Britain is preparing for potentially its largest day of strike action since the General Strike of 1926, which will be taking place this Thursday.

Our team of conference rapporteurs and Union Solidary International (USi) will be live-blogging and reporting on the Summer School over the course of the week, both on the GLI and USi blogs. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions – whether in person or on Twitter.

Make sure to follow and contribute to the debate on Twitter using the hashtag #ISS14 and following @GLI_UK and @USILive.

A huge welcome from the GLI team to those who have travelled far and wide for the Summer School!

We hope you have an excellent week and come away feeling re-energised and ready to take on the threats to workers across the globe.
