Gender and Equalities

GLI is committed to the fight for equality – in the workplace, in society and in the union. GLI develop research and education tools to address gender inequality, ensure that the voices and concerns of women are better represented and support the development of women’s programmes within the trade union movement.

A woman in a long red dress holds a bucket of water bottles on her head, selling to the passengers inside a taxi cab in Kampala, Uganda


Toolkit on Taking Action on Violence & Harassment Against LGBTQI+ Workers & other Vulnerable Groups

A facilitator guide and participant workbook to provide unions with the tools to develop action to tackle violence and harassment against LGBTQI+ workers and other vulnerable groups in the world of work.

This was commissioned by a coalition of Global Union Federations.

Click here to read the facilitator guide.

Click here to read the participant workbook.


Rebuilding the Social Organisation of Care – An Advocacy Guide and Activity Workbook

An advocacy guide and activity workbook to assist trade unions and women workers round the world to take action at the local level to rebuild the social organisation of care for a new model that puts caring for people over caring for profit.

This guide was commissioned by the Public Services International (PSI). It includes an Advocacy Guide and an Activity Workbook.

Click here to read the Advocacy Guide in English. 

Click here to read the Advocacy Guide in Spanish. 

Click here to read the Activity Workbook in English. 

Click here to read the Activity Workbook in Spanish.

The guide is also available as a digital publication. Click here to access the digital publication.

2021 – 2022

ITF Study on C190 and Impacts of COVID-19 on Women Transport Workers

A study that aims to explore the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on women transport workers, including in increasing exposure to violence and harassment, and to assess the long-term impact of the crisis on women.

The research was commissioned by the ITF and set out to gather evidence to build the case about the link between the pandemic and violence and harassment for women transport workers, to provide arguments for unions to secure a gender-integrated pandemic recovery, and to enable unions to use C190 as a tool to build movements agains violence and harassment.

Click here to read the research report in English.

2021 – 2022

ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (C190): ITF Transport Workers Toolkit

Violence and harassment is endemic in the transport industry, affecting women workers disproportionately.

A transport specific toolkit on C190, produced for the ITF, which focuses on some of the most prevalent aspects of violence and harassment that transport workers face. It highlights the language of C190 and R206 that is most important for transport workers and their unions. It also includes activities and discussion questions to encourage union action.

Click here to read the toolkit in English.


ITF People’s Public Transport Policy – Women in Public Transport

A Chapter on ‘Women in Public Transport’ chapter written for the International Transportworkers Federation (ITF) to inform policy proposals on gender equality for the ITFs People’s Public Transport Policy as part of the Our Public Transport programme.

The ITF’s Our Public Transport programme promotes a social model of public transport. A social model includes organisational and employment rights for workers and requires that any expansion of public transport guarantees decent jobs. The People’s Public Transport Policy provides the ITF vision for a social model of public transport. The 28 policy demands relate to six key areas of public transport: public ownership, public financing, employment and decent work, women in public transport, worker control of technology and climate change.

The chapters are based on three sources: existing ITF policies and statements; recent developments and experiences in the urban transport sector; and external contributions from organisations and activists. Each chapter includes case studies, as well as supporting campaign materials and education resources.

The ITF women transport workers’ committee has decided to make this campaign a core pillar of the ITF women’s programme. Gender-related issues and women’s participation and leadership are integrated in every aspect of the OPT programme.

Click here to read the chapter.

Domestic Workers in Europe: Getting the Recognition they Deserve

A booklet to celebrate the progress that has been made for domestic workers in Europe. It highlights EFFAT’s achievements in giving recognition to domestic workers through solid trade union representation and a political commitment at the European level, and looks at future plans to strengthen recognition and representation further.

This booklet was commissioned by the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT).

Click here to read the booklet.

Ten Years Since Winning C189: Domestic Workers Become an Unstoppable Movement

A booklet for the International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF) and Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of C189.

On 16 June 2011, the 70 million domestic workers across the globe finally won the right to be recognised as workers, with the basic rights of all workers. That day, the International Labour Organisation agreed to adopt a new Convention No.189 (C189) Decent Work for Domestic Workers.

This booklet celebrates the progress made for domestic workers since the adoption of ILO C189, and looks to the challenges that still lie ahead.

Click here to read this booklet.

2020 – 2021

Training Toolkit on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work and ILO Convention 190

A new training of trainers toolkit on the new ILO Convention 190 and gender-based violence as a resource for the international trade union movement.

Commissioned by all the Global Union Federations IUF, PSI, ITF, EI, IFJ, IndustriALL, IDWF, UNI Global Union, and BWI) and the ITUC, and funded by FNV (Netherlands), the material is intended for use by educators and shop steward to develop trainings for trade union members, leaders, representatives or staff on gender equality; violence and harassment, including GBV; C190, how to use the convention in the day-to-day work of trade unions, including collective bargaining and developing ratification campaigns for C190.

On June 25th 2021, when ILO Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work came into force, global unions held a launch event for the toolkit and to celebrate this progressive and groundbreaking Convention. You can watch the recording of the launch here.

The Train the Trainers Toolkit on the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (No. 190) and Recommendation (No. 206) includes a facilitator guide and an activity workbook and is currently available in English, French and Spanish.

Click here to read the facilitator guide in English, French and Spanish.

Click here to read the activity workbook in English, French and Spanish.

2019 – 2022

IUF Gender Equality Guide

In 2007, the International Union of Foodworkers (IUF) published a gender equality guide ‘All for One = One for All’. 

GLI Manchester was commissioned by the IUF to produce a new updated version of this guide.

Published on International Women’s Day 2022, this this new guide is updated and extended with new chapters and stories. It intends to foster equality by promoting solidarity, building union strength and tackling the inequality issues that women face.

This guide is for everyone who wants to make the union stronger and more representative by promoting gender equality – at work, in society and in the union. But as this is a guide on gender equality – and historically women have been marginalised – it focuses mainly on women’s experiences.

Shaped by the experiences of IUF affiliated unions, this guide is supported by the stories of women from all over the world who have experienced inequality and have organised in response. It highlights the amazing work of union activists – including the support of male unionists – and their achievements in the fight for equality.

Click here to read and download the guide in EnglishFrench and Spanish.

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