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GLU Conference And Alumni Workshop

Conference 2024

Global Labour University (GLU) organises yearly conferences on topics of common interest in the network. The conferences rotate among GLU campuses, and allow network members to present research, share ideas, and strengthen connections.

This year, the conference will be 25th-27th September at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi, India.

This event celebrates GLU’s global achievements and deepens discussions with academics, alumni, and trade union members.

While planning the conference, GLU issued a call for papers titled “Globalisation and Transition to an Egalitarian World: Resistance and Alternatives”, and selected proposals that will be presented at the conference.

Some of the main conference themes will be platform work, responsible global supply chains, and broader policy questions in response to today’s “world disorder”. The conference will also focus on labour regimes & policy, challenges of authoritarianism, global value systems, care chains, the solidarity economy, and climate justice.

Alumni Workshop

Global Labour University (GLU) is organising an Alumni Workshop for graduates from all GLU programmes. The workshop will provide a comprehensive reflection on the impact of just transition, gender equality, migration, and authoritarian regimes in the world of work. It will then present an analysis of trade union strategies in responding to these challenges.

By learning from their varying experiences in different countries, the alumni will significantly broaden their knowledge on these subjects. The intention is that this will enhance their skills and strengthen their effectiveness in trade union work.

To begin the workshop, alumni will start developing a case study based on their experiences in their home countries. This will initiate a broader discussion and knowledge sharing on the topics. Following this, the workshop programme will then combine the insights of distinguished experts and practitioners with the experiences of the alumni themselves.

Visit the Global Labour University website here.

Read more about GLI’s partnership with Global Labour University, on our Key Partners page.

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